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Hulett’s Furniture and Vehicle Fumigation Service

In the warm and humid climate of South Florida, the conditions are perfect for an array of pests to thrive in abundance. This high pest pressure is a significant concern for home and business owners who are trying to protect their largest assets from termites, roaches, ants, bed bugs, and other pests. These ideal conditions in Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast result in bugs not only invading our homes, but also our furniture, cabinetry, flooring, cars, trailers, boats, and RVs. At Hulett Environmental Services, we understand the unique challenges posed by South Florida’s pest problem. That’s why we’re committed to help safeguard all your belongings, including your furniture and vehicles. If pests manage to invade, don’t worry, Hulett’s Furniture and Vehicle Fumigation Service is here to ensure your property and possessions are protected and pest-free.

What are Furniture Fumigations?

Furniture fumigations are designed for infested materials that are removable from your home, such as furniture or cabinetry. Instead of fumigating your entire house, which can be time consuming and costly to prepare, you can instead bring only the infested items to Hulett’s facility in West Palm Beach for treatment within a fumigation vault on our property. This avoids the need to prepare and evacuate your home for a whole-structure fumigation, when the infestation is limited to only a few pieces of furniture. This service is ideal for treating furniture, cabinetry, wood flooring, and secondhand wooden items that might be infested with drywood termites, cockroaches, bed bugs, ants, or Powderpost beetles.

Benefits of Furniture Fumigations

  • No Home Preparation Needed: There is no need to prepare your home or evacuate because the fumigation of your furniture takes place at Hulett within our vault.
  • Cost-Effective: The fumigation vault is smaller than a house, reducing the overall cost of fumigation.
  • Targeted Treatment: Only the infested items are fumigated, ensuring effective pest control without unnecessary expense.

Common Items for Furniture Fumigation

  • Wooden furniture (tables, chairs, bed frames, coffee tables)
  • Wood cabinetry, flooring, or baseboards
  • Secondhand items made from wood, wicker, or rattan
  • Plywood or lumber

Why Choose Furniture Fumigation?

If you’ve discovered termites or beetles in your furniture or other wooden valuables, furniture fumigation within the Hulett fumigation vault offers a quick, easy, and affordable solution for infested items that can be removed from the home. Simply bring the infested items to Hulett for treatment and return in a few days to pick up your pest-free valuables, all while avoiding the hassle of fumigating your home.

A piece of wooden furniture eaten by termites.

What are Vehicle Fumigations?

If a vehicle contains pests, has been unused, or was recently used to transport wood, stored items or food, in South Florida, the vehicle is prone to infestation, especially if parked near pest activity. Hulett’s Vehicle Fumigation Service eliminates infestations of cockroaches, termites, Powderpost beetles, and other pests, protecting all your vehicles including cars, trucks, buses, boats, RVs, trailers, campers, and more. Vehicle owners can trust Hulett’s professional fumigation service to solve their pest problem and protect their assets.

Benefits of Vehicle Fumigations

  • Effective Pest Control: Quickly and efficiently eliminate infestations in your vehicle.
  • Convenient: Drop off your vehicle at Hulett’s West Palm Beach headquarters and pick it up pest-free a few days later.

Commonly Infested Vehicles

  • Cars and trucks
  • Buses and boats
  • RVs, trailers, and campers

Why Choose Vehicle Fumigation?

Vehicle fumigation is a straightforward, effective way to rid your vehicle of pests. Whether your car, boat, or RV is infested, Hulett’s professional fumigation service will ensure your vehicle is pest-free and ready for use.

Schedule Your Free Inspection Today

Protect your home, vehicle, and belongings from destructive pests with Hulett Environmental Services. As a third-generation, family-owned and operated pest control company that has been serving Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast for over 50 years, you can trust Hulett with all your pest control needs, including furniture and vehicle fumigations. Don’t let pests disrupt your home, belongings, or vehicles. For more information about our furniture and vehicle fumigation services, Just Call Hulett and schedule your Free Inspection today!