Slugs and Snails

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Slug and Snail Appearance and Size Facts 

Among the most destructive pests for gardens and plant life, slugs and snails are a constant headache for Florida homeowners. However, there are ways you can prevent unwanted visitors in your garden or home, and it starts with having the right information. Let our team at Hulett Environmental Services guide you through how to identify and eliminate an infestation of slugs and snails in your south Florida home.

Here are some basic characteristics of slugs and snails: 

  • Size. They are around 1 to 3 inches in length.
  • Color. Their coloring varies between species from yellow, brown, and green to black.
  • Body. Their bodies are long and covered in mucus.
  • Shells. Snails have a calciferous shell, while slugs don’t.


Identifying Slugs and Snails From Other Pests

Often mistaken for each other, snails and slugs differentiate themselves from other pests because of their slime trails. Both leave behind persistent slime trails that not many other pests do. If you need help identifying your infestation, don’t hesitate to contact professional pest control specialists for assistance.

We offer pest control for slugs and snails in the following locations and their surrounding areas:

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Behavior and Habitat of Slugs and Snails

Snails and slugs are often found in vegetation or areas in direct contact with the soil. They can also be seen on decks, patios, and even indoors. Both are nocturnal and do most of their damage at night. With their routine, it can be difficult for Florida homeowners to even catch one in action. 

For reproduction, snails and slugs are relatively similar. A male and female mate between mid-autumn and midwinter and produce eggs. The eggs are laid in moist soil two to four weeks after mating. From there, the maturing process begins. From egg to adulthood, snails take approximately two years, while slugs mature in just three to six months, depending on the species.

Signs of Infestation of Slugs and Snails

One major sign of a snail or slug infestation is the presence of slimy trails throughout your home and garden. These trails can remain for several days and usually come from or lead to plant life. You can also detect a potential infestation by seeing half-eaten or chewed-through leaves in your plants. Take immediate and proper action if you think you have a snail or slug infestation.

Tips for Prevention of Slugs and Snails

There are several ways you can help protect your garden and home from a slug or snail infestation. Some preventive methods include placing potted plants onto racks, ensuring that exterior doors are fully closed, and making sure crawl space vents are open to allow circulation and avoid dampness.


Getting Rid of Slugs and Snails

It’s tempting to consider your slug or snail infestation gone by implementing these preventive methods, but there’s more to it than that. It’s best to turn to professional pest control services for slug and snail removal. With these services, such as the ones offered at Hulett, you can clear your residential and commercial spaces from any unwanted visitors.


Effective Slug and Snail Control Solutions

Don’t look any further for slug and snail control,  just call Hulett! With the best snail and slug removal services in Florida, you can count on our team of pest control specialists to apply preventive treatments to all areas of your home, including your lawn. Ready to remove slugs and snails from your Florida home? Call our team or schedule your free inspection online!


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