6 Important Fall Lawn Care Tips for South Florida Residents
Fall is here, but don’t give up on caring for your lawn just yet! It’s important for the health of your lawn to perform lawn maintenance during the fall months. Much of what you do with your lawn in the fall will reflect in a healthy, lush, green, and healthy lawn when spring rolls back around.
Here are some valuable tips for caring for your South Florida lawn in the fall:
1. Rake Leaves
While your South Florida landscape may not be laden with leaves from many deciduous trees, it’s a good idea to remove leaves and other debris from your lawn in the fall, so your grass won’t suffer. Leaves and debris on your lawn block light and trap moisture, preventing your grass from getting the sun it needs to grow and inviting fungus conditions to develop.
2. Continue to mow but not as often
Even though your grass in South Florida may not grow as much from October to March, the sun is still beaming down on your lawn and your grass is still growing. However, you don’t need to mow every week as you might during the summer months to keep your grass cut to an ideal height of 2.5-3 inches long. Mowing every other week will probably be enough in the fall. Cutting your grass shorter could lead to destabilizing your root system and invite weeds to grow on your lawn. On the other hand, keeping grass longer than the ideal height can result in matting that encourages fungi to grow on your lawn.
3. Fertilize while the soil is loose
Aerating your soil and loosening it up makes your soil more receptive to nutrients. Because most soil in Florida is sandy and lacks nutrients, nitrogen-rich fertilizer mixes and even limestone can help revitalize your soil and prepare it for seed and plant growth in the spring. You can work with your lawn care specialist to set up a schedule for aerating and fertilizing.
4. Watering is important
Florida lawns and landscapes benefit from the April-August rainy season but need some help in the fall when it rains less frequently. Now that you just aerated and fertilized, it’s a good time to increase your watering schedule, keeping in mind that Florida lawns need around an inch of water per week. Installing an irrigation system that is well-maintained and electronically regulated can take the work out of watering your lawn, ensuring that your lawn gets the water it needs when it needs it.
5. Seed in the fall for a lusher spring lawn
Now that you’ve aerated, fertilized, and started watering, you can overseed your lawn to fill in bare spots, so that next spring, your lawn will be thick and healthy. Keep in mind, the thicker your lawn is, the less room there is for weeds to move into your lawn. However, overseeding can prove challenging, because you can’t just broadcast seeds across your lawn and expect them to take root. Seeds need to come in contact with the soil and stay moist, so they can germinate. Your landscape maintenance provider can offer advice about the best timing for overseeding your lawn and the best way to get those seeds into the soil. You can rent or purchase various types of seeders, such as slit seeders and power seeders to accomplish this task.
6. Get rid of weeds and insects
Pulling weeds is no fun, but getting them out of your yard in the fall is not so bad when weeds are more absorbent and easier to pull. For those who prefer weed killer, autumn is a great time to apply these products to your lawn so your lawn won’t be overwhelmed with weeds in the spring. Fall is an opportune time to eliminate pests from your lawn, while pests are less active.
Contact Hulett Environmental Services
We understand busy schedules, which is why Hulett Environmental Services offer programs and services that will get to the root of your lawn issues and help get your lawn back to a healthy, green, lush lawn.
Hulett offers a comprehensive array of lawn and pest control services such as:
- Fertilization of lawns, ornamental plants, and palms to promote a green landscape.
- Weed control throughout your lawn.
- Solutions for turf-destroying pests that damage your lawn.
- Treatments for insects that feed on the leaves of your ornamentals.
- Preventative measures that keep lethal yellowing disease from spreading.
- Treatments for plant diseases, such as brown patch fungus and gray leaf spot.
- Skilled and experienced lawn pros that are trained on the latest lawn care technology available.
- Guaranteed results for a healthier and visibly greener lawn
Since some issues, such as lawn pests and fungus conditions can be difficult to diagnose, Hulett’s skilled and experienced turf specialists will inspect your lawn, identify the causes of your lawn issues and develop a plan to optimize the health of your lawn. Contact us today for your free consultation!