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Pest Control in Florida: Weather and Pest Activity

South Florida is a prime vacation spot for much of the world. Those of us lucky enough to live here count our lucky stars when the rest of the country is knee deep in snow and we’re wondering which pair of shorts to wear. Living in South Florida has a down side though: this warm, humid climate that’s so welcome in winter, also makes Florida the perfect, year-round breeding ground for pests! Therefore, the constant heat makes pest control in Florida a must..

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Hulett Environmental Services has more than 50 years of experience with pest and mosquito control in South Florida. Take advantage of these discounts while they’re here and start enjoying your time outside itch-free!

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Most Active Time for Pests

Pests, especially cockroaches, can cause severe allergies and health issues. More than 75% of urban homes have cockroaches, and more than half of the people who suffer from asthma do so because they have a severe cockroach allergy. South Floridians’ homes are especially vulnerable to cockroach allergies because of the warm weather. Cockroaches love the heat and thrive in our moist tropical climate. South Florida cockroaches are active year round.

Green Flower Logo
White Sun Logo with Yellow background
Orange Leaf Logo
Blue Snowflake Logo

Why is Our Warm Climate a
Pest Paradise?

Many bugs are attracted to heat. Some bugs are amorous and use South Florida’s romantic locale as a constant mating season. Other South Florida pests are attracted to warmth because they’re on the hunt for moisture of all kinds. Moisture and heat can also help bugs grow and develop at faster rates than during the cooler seasons. While mammals can produce their own heat source, insects aren’t able to, and so they thrive in warm tropical environments like South Florida. More heat and humidity equals more bugs, making pest control an important part of everyday life here in Florida.

When You Might See Different Types of Pests in Florida

Various types of ants, including Fire antsGhost ants, and White footed ants, come out during the spring. If you’ve got flowers in your yard, chances are that wasps or bees (active year round) will be drawn to them as temperatures spikes in the summer. Termites and chinch bugs are often most active in the spring. Several different kinds of worms, such as webworms or army worms, may be the most destructive during the spring months. Fleas are the most active in the summer, so keep a careful watch on your four-legged family members from June to August. Ants of all kinds make a showing in the summer, along with many other critters. Certain types of ants and rodents tend to be active in the fall and winter. Termites, cockroaches, and many other pests are active all year round.